Being Discipled

At the heart of CBMC ministry is Operation Timothy. Typically, OT involves a more mature Christian meeting regularly with a newer Christian to lay a firm spiritual foundation for his life. The CBMC “tool box” is filled with a wide variety of additional discipleship materials useful to build further upon this new foundation.

Discipling Others

Being able to help others to “stand firm” in the face of the testings of life can be a source of great satisfaction and personal reward. Leaving A Legacy, Gaining a Passion for Discipleship is a 6 lesson introduction to Operation Timothy and the process of discipleship.

Sharing Your Faith

To many believers, the prospect of sharing their faith with others is intimidating to the point that they do not do it. Living Proof is a video based tool to prepare believers to share Christ in a natural way. CBMC regularly holds Executive Outreach Events where Christian businessmen can bring their friends and colleagues into a nonthreatening setting to hear from another businessman how Christ changed his life. Using your business for ministry
The owner of a business has incredible opportunities to utilize his business as a platform for ministry to his employees, suppliers, customers and competitors. CBMC FORUMS consist of 6 to 8 business owners who meet monthly to discuss and learn new strategies to solve their most important issues. 

CBMC Formats

  • Prayer Breakfasts CBMCers meet weekly for prayer, to learn to apply scripture to their lives and to become better equipped for ministry.
  • Legacy Groups 
    4 to 8 men meeting regularly to prepare Christian business men who are new to CBMC with tools they can use to disciple others.
  • Focus Groups 
    4 to 8 men meeting regularly to provide continuing support and growth for men who have completed Operation Timothy and have themselves begun to disciple another man.
  • Forum Teams 
    Forum Teams meet monthly, much like an unofficial board of directors, providing one another with counsel in using their business as a platform for Gods’ purposes, motivating employees in a spiritual direction, sharing Godly wisdom in balancing personal and business life, encouragement, support, prayer and friendship, and more.
  • CBMC Leadership Institute – Our mission is to reach business leaders right where they are and help them to become the leaders that God designed them to be, while building a business of excellence that glorifies God. Peer Advisory Groups of 8-12 Senior Business Leaders meet with a focus on identifying practical solutions in the marketplace, consistent with Biblical principles, guiding one another to best practices and excellent performance. 

The CBMC Mission

“To present Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord to business and professional men and to develop Christian business and professional men to carry out the Great Commission.”